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  • EMcCaughe


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Über mich

  • And soaring and flying and then another! And another! Three
    great pairs of wings, and their lofty swirls in the air disorient me and I
    sit back down to keep from falling again. Great black wings pump and fall
    and great black birds drift on buy instagram followers their great black wings, soaring back down,
    her and her from the great red sun. I have
    never seen birds so large, and these black wings are so real, so there!
    My eyes fall and float from side to side, tracking the invisible winds and currents of the air as the
    birds fall and float down into the canyon below my view,
    and then they are down below my view and I am back in my body again, safe on the ground but unsafe and ready to stand but not ready.
    I must go. I am not ready. I stand and look to my left and I see the gradual
    decline of steps in the stone and the metal spike stuck deep in the ground
    that marks the beginning of a second downward-leading
    cold-metal chain. I stumble to it, walking with more focus than I have ever walked with before and I
    grasp the chain with white and red…gram-followers/ knuckles
    and a forearm ripe with veins fit to burst. Step by step I fall downward,
    leaning sideways into the instagram rock against the second gravity trying to pull me out into
    the emptiness. Step by step I fall downward, and step by step I come closer to the familiarity of a wide footpath and firm ground on all sides.
    The chain ends and I am back on the other side of Angel's Flight.

    I sit down. Katryn walks toward me. -- How was it? she asks.

    -- Great! I should've taken your camera. -- You could always go again. -- No, I'm beat.

    But I saw these mive black birds up there.
    They were unbelievable. -- They must've been California Condors, she says.
    They're some of the buy instagram followers largest birds in the
    world. They're really endangered though so if you saw them you were really lucky.
    -- Ready to go back? buy instagram followers I ask.

    -- If you are, she says. I google get
    up and then we start hiking down. I am ready to be
    in the cabin with Mischa. I have had enough heights for one day.
    But the descent is enjoyable. We traverse back through the gorge and turn back out
    onto the main trail that winds down the side of
    the canyon. The sun is now behind the wall, shining onto the other side of the canyon but not on us.
    As we hike I watch the line dividing shadow and light creep her away from us,
    engulfing more of the canyon in shadow and shining more intensely on the other wall as if it is being torn away but
    doesn't want to leave. When we approach the lowest part of the trail Katryn stops me and
    points into the brush a few switches in the

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