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  • EricGoluboff56


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Über mich

  • Name: About Dr. Erik Goluboff MD
    Expert Urologist inManhattan, NY
    Country: United States
    Home town: New York
    Postal code: 10003
    Street: 10 Union Square East
    Phone: 212.844.8900
    About Me:
    I'm an Attending Physician, Department of Urology, Mount
    Sinai Beth Israel Medical Center and Professor of Urology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.

    I lately received an MBA at NYU's Stern School of Business, with specializations in corporate finance, financial instruments, and direction.
    Previously, I was Manager of Urology at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/The Allen Pavilion and also a Professor of Clinical Urology at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.
    I'm a board certified urologist and also a Fellow of the
    American College of Surgeons. I did a year of general surgical residency
    at Johns Hopkins followed by surgery and urology residency training at Columbia.
    During this fellowship, I had added training in the investigation and operative treatment of urologic cancers such as bladder,
    prostate, kidney, penis and testis.

    I have won many
    awards during nearly 2 decades in urology, including the Young Investigator Award from the
    National Kidney Foundation, First Prize Lab Investigation-Valentine Essay Competition New York Academy of Medicine, Honorable
    Mention- Valentine Essay Contest New York Academy of Medicine, plus a
    Pfizer Scholar in Urology Award (twice). I've performed over 3000 surgeries including
    over 1000 radical prostatectomies for prostate cancer, either by
    the open or robotic strategies. I have authored over
    150 papers and participated in many clinical trials for new
    drugs for urologic disorders.

    I'm dedicated to the reasonable, compassionate, and efficient care of patients
    with urologic disorders.

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